Automate your invoice solutions
to put more time in your team's day

Invoice solutions can be a sticking point between you and your
partners or even your internal teams. Often, insurers find it to
be a complex process given the process of following-up on each
invoice can be time consuming and inefficient, due to the amount
of manual processes.


ARNIE seeks to simplify invoice solutions. As an example, we have functionality that allows ARNIE to reject electronically submitted Primary or Supplementary invoices, when the amount does not match the amount on the authorised quote. This aids fraud prevention through detection and cost containment for insurers to benefit from process automation without losing control of quality. 

By enabling invoice solutions in ARNIE, assessors are able manage the repairers to ensure any incorrect invoices are actioned earlier and do not sit in Cost Control queues to be manually corrected and to start the process all over again. 

Insurers will save time on unnecessary administrative work through automating their invoice solutions from ARNIE with their integrated systems and partners. Redirect your claims handlers and assessors to more complex tasks and cut the frustration and boredom of repetitive, unnecessary administration.

arnie automated claims processing and repairer invoicing

Take back control of your claims process

Simplify your car insurance process with software built from the ground up for insurers.
Enquire today to learn how Arnie helps firms save time and money while driving better results for your clients.
