Cloud-based architecture

Never be without your tools. Arnie offers insurers the best
in security and accessibility, providing a secure cloud-based
environment that works where you do.


Don’t lock mission critical files on local drives or siloed networks; managing your claims in the cloud with Arnie provides a single point of truth for all professionals working across your organisation. Whether on the road, in a satellite office or working from home, Arnie’s document storage system makes it easy for everyone to find the files they need. 

Operating entirely in the cloud, working with Arnie minimises the need to store hard copies of claims, reducing the need for storage space. Leveraging state-of-the-art encryption technology and accessible from desktops, laptops and mobile devices, Arnie is fully compliant with data protection regulations affecting Australian insurers, providing both protection and flexibility for users. 

Intelligent access controls allow system administrators to tailor the privileges of individuals and departments, ensuring that they only have access to documents and files strictly relevant to their role. APIs also allow Arnie to integrate with a range of other programs, including insurer policy systems and repairer and salvage agent quoting and invoicing software.


Work when, where and how it suits you with Arnie

The workplace has changed – Arnie helps you change with it. Discover how easy it can be to work from the road, tying assessors, insurers and service providers together in one simple, secure, accessible platform by enquiring with our team for a free consultation.