Document storage

As an insurer, the integrity of your records
is everything.


Knowing what has been said, done and promised is essential not only to delivering for your customers, but also for protecting your business and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. But with so many organisations still relying on paper documents or siloed, locally-stored files as part of their record-keeping systems, many insurers frequently find themselves unable to locate the information they need to progress a claim. 

Arnie is the solution. A cloud-based and fully secured document management system designed for insurers, Arnie puts everything your business knows at your fingertips. Multi-device compatibility allows assessors and repairers to upload images directly to the relevant claim from the road, while office staff can leverage deep AI-powered search to locate everything related to a specific case in just a few clicks. Fully compliant with industry security and privacy regulations, Arnie minimises paperwork while maximising efficiency, making your business that much faster, more accurate and more effective at servicing your customers. Cut your operational costs and watch your client satisfaction grow with Arnie.


Simplify your record-keeping with Arnie 

Find out how Arnie’s advanced features can transform the way your business serves clients. Enquire today for a free consultation to learn how Arnie could transform your organisation.